Saudi Arabia to host 1000 Palestinian families of the deceased, wounded and prisoners for Hajj.

Trending 1 year ago



palestinian families of nan deceased, wounded and prisoners for hajj.



Saudi Arabia to big 1000 Palestinian families of nan deceased, wounded and prisoners for Hajj.

Saudi Arabia said it will rumor a royal bid inviting 1,000 Palestinians to execute nan Hajj visit slated to statesman later this month, authorities media said connected Saturday.

The kingdom will big Palestinian “families of martyrs, prisoners and those who are injured” arsenic portion of nan King Salman bin Abdul Aziz’s Haj Guests Programme, which is overseen and carried retired annually by nan Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Dawah and Guidance, said The Saudi Press Agency (SPA).

Saudi Arabia to big 1000 Palestinian families

Hatem al-Bakri, nan Palestinian Minister of Endowments and Religious Affairs, praised nan move, saying: “Saudi Arabia’s support for nan Palestinians is generous successful each fields, particularly serving and caring for nan pilgrims,” according to Saudi news agency SPA.

“This matter has a awesome effect connected nan families of nan martyrs, prisoners and wounded successful Palestine, and comes wrong nan model of nan Kingdom’s imperishable support for nan Palestinian group and their conscionable cause,” Bakri said.

Another official, Sheikh Abdul Latif Al Sheikh, Saudi Arabia’s Minister of Islamic Affairs praised nan Gulf’s monarch for “continuous attraction and support towards families of wounded aliases martyred Palestinians”.

The programme, which has benefitted thousands of pilgrims since its inception, will see each Hajj rituals, including visits to Al-Masjid An-Nabawi, besides known arsenic nan Prophet’s mosque.

Palestinians who wish to travel to Saudi Arabia for nan Muslim pilgrimage, usually recreation done third-party countries successful bid to get successful Saudi Arabia, owed to Israeli restrictions connected Palestinian travel.

Gazans, for example, must recreation to Egypt first should they wish to make it to nan Gulf kingdom.

Saudi Arabia is reportedly successful talks pinch Israel to let for nonstop Hajj flights for its Muslim number wishing to execute nan pilgrimage, which could see Palestinians from nan occupied territories.

Israel and Saudi Arabia do not person immoderate negotiated relations, though Tel Aviv has made respective moves towards normalisation pinch Riyadh. Saudi Arabia, however, insists that an independent Palestinian authorities must beryllium created earlier negotiated relations are established.

Saudi Arabia welcomes millions of Muslim worshippers from each corners of nan world each twelvemonth to transportation retired nan Hajj pilgrimage, which usually falls earlier nan beatified Eid al-Adha festival.

Reference: The New Arab

saudi arabia to big 1000 instruction families of nan deceased, wounded and prisoners for hajj.
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