“Do not lose hope nor be sad ” Says Allah in Quran 3:139

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do not suffer dream nor beryllium sad



Do not suffer dream nor beryllium sad

وَلَا تَهِنُوا۟ وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا۟ وَأَنتُمُ ٱلْأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ ١٣٩

And do not suffer bosom and do not grieve, and you are nan upper-most if you are believers.

do not suffer dream nor beryllium sadDo not suffer dream nor beryllium sad Quote

One of nan astir powerful and uplifting verses successful nan Quran is successful Surah Ali-Imran(<<Read lessons from Surah Ale Imran) , verse 139, which reads: “So do not suffer dream nor beryllium sad, for you will beryllium superior if you are existent believers.” It is simply a powerful reminder to each believers to stay patient successful nan look of adversity. It is simply a connection of hope, encouragement, and resilience that tin supply america pinch nan spot and information we request to flooded immoderate challenge. By keeping this verse successful mind and trusting successful Allah, we tin look immoderate trouble pinch assurance and determination.

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This verse is simply a reminder to each believers that moreover successful nan look of adversity and challenges, we should ne'er suffer dream aliases springiness up connected our faith. It is simply a telephone to stay patient successful times of trouble and to spot successful nan mercy and contented of Allah.

It reminds america that life is filled pinch tests and tribulations, and that we will inevitably look hardships and difficulties. However, we should not let these challenges to overwhelm america aliases origin america to suffer hope. Instead, we should stay optimistic and spot successful Allah’s scheme for us.

The verse emphasizes nan value of faith. It tells america that if we stay existent believers, we will yet triumph complete our difficulties and look stronger than before. This is simply a powerful connection of dream and encouragement, reminding america that our religion tin supply america pinch nan spot and resilience we request to flooded immoderate obstacle.

The verse “Do not suffer dream nor beryllium sad” is simply a very comforting verse for nan believers.It encourages america to attraction connected nan bigger picture. It reminds america that our eventual extremity is to please Allah and to strive towards goodness and righteousness. In nan expansive strategy of things, nan difficulties and challenges that we look successful this life are impermanent and fleeting. By remaining existent to our religion and our values, we tin guarantee that we are connected nan correct way and that we will yet beryllium successful.

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Islam Hastag