Al Talbina, a therapeutic food recommended by Prophet (pbuh)

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Al Talbina, a therapeutic nutrient for reviving nan sunnah.

Al talbina a therapeutic nutrient recommended by Prophet (pbuh). It tin supply comfortableness and alleviation to those who are unwell aliases experiencing affectional distress.

Talbina is simply a elemental crockery made from barley flour, water, and milk, and has been consumed by Muslims for centuries.t is believed to person treatment properties and is often recommended arsenic a remedy for various ailments. It is easy to hole and tin beryllium eaten astatine immoderate clip of nan day.

Talbina benefits:

In summation to being delicious, Talbina is besides very nutritious. It is rich | successful fiber, protein, and basal vitamins and minerals.

One of nan main benefits of eating talbina is that it is simply a awesome root of nutrition. Barley is rich | successful fiber, protein, and basal nutrients for illustration vitamin B and iron. The beverage utilized successful making talbina adds calcium, vitamin D, and further macromolecule to nan dish. Together, these nutrients make talbina a wholesome and nourishing food.

In summation to its nutritional value, it is besides known for its medicinal properties. It is believed to person a soothing effect connected nan digestive strategy and is often recommended to group pinch tummy problems. Some studies person besides shown that consuming barley-based foods for illustration talbina tin thief little cholesterin levels, trim nan consequence of bosom disease, and amended insulin sensitivity. Talbina makes it an fantabulous prime for anyone looking to boost their power levels, aliases support their immune system.

Hadith connected Al Talbina

 إِنَّ التَّلْبِينَةَ تُجِمُّ فُؤَادَ الْمَرِيضِ، وَتَذْهَبُ بِبَعْضِ الْحُزْنِ ‏”‏‏.‏


 ‘at-Talbina gives remainder to nan bosom of nan diligent and makes it progressive and relieves immoderate of his sorrow and grief.'”

(a) It was narrated from ‘Aa’ishah, nan woman of nan Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah beryllium upon him), that if a personnel of her family died, nan women would stitchery together, past they would depart, isolated from her ain relatives and adjacent friends. She would bid that a cookware of talbeenah beryllium cooked, past immoderate thareed would beryllium made and nan talbeenah would beryllium poured complete it. Then she would say: Eat immoderate of it, for I heard nan Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah beryllium upon him) say: “Talbeenah soothes nan bosom of nan sick person, and it takes distant immoderate of nan grief.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5101; Muslim, 2216. 

(b) It was narrated from her (may Allaah beryllium pleased pinch her) that she would bid that talbeenah beryllium made for nan sick and nan 1 who was mourning a death, and she utilized to say: I heard nan Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah beryllium upon him) say: “Talbeenah soothes nan bosom of nan sick and takes distant immoderate of nan grief.”Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5365; Muslim, 2216 

Talbina recipe

The look for Talbina is rather easy to follow, and nan ingredients are readily disposable successful astir market stores. To make it, you will request barley flour, water, and honey.

To hole Talbina, commencement by mixing nan barley flour pinch h2o successful a pot. Stir nan substance continuously until it becomes heavy and creamy. Once nan substance has thickened, adhd chromatic to taste. Continue stirring until nan chromatic has dissolved completely.

It is important to statement that nan consistency of Talbina tin alteration depending connected individual preference. Some group for illustration a thicker consistency, while others for illustration a thinner consistency. If you for illustration a thinner consistency, simply adhd much h2o to nan mixture.

Once nan it is ready, it tin beryllium served lukewarm aliases cold.

Additional topping you tin do connected Talbina

One of nan champion things astir Talbina is its versatility. You tin adhd different ingredients to it to create a assortment of flavors and textures. For example, you tin adhd honey, nuts, aliases fruits to make it sweeter, aliases you tin adhd spices for illustration cinnamon aliases cardamom to springiness it a much savory taste.

Many group bask adding further toppings specified arsenic nuts, fruits, aliases spices to heighten nan flavor. These are immoderate variations you tin do:

  1. Add Honey aliases dates
  2. Top pinch sliced almonds aliases different nuts for added crunch.
  3. Sprinkle pinch cinnamon aliases cardamom for a warm, spicy flavor.
  4. Mix successful mashed bananas aliases different consequence for a fruity twist.
  5. Serve chilled pinch caller consequence aliases a dollop of yogurt for a refreshing summertime treat.

Talbina powder successful market

I managed to get a packet of Talbina. You tin besides effort nan marketplace preparation. The powder I purchased had powdered barley and I personally deliberation that you get barley cheaper if location are shops adjacent you which sells loose grains.

Hope you likes this article. Consider sharing pinch your friends and revive nan sunnah,

al talbina

al talbinaAl Talbina, a therapeutic nutrient recommended by Prophet (pbuh) May 10, 2023


  1. Alu’datt, M. H., Rababah, T., Alhamad, M. N., & Ereifej, K. (2019). Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and its wellness benefits. Journal of nan Science of Food and Agriculture, 99(3), 1011-1022.
  2. Islam, M. A., Ahmed, M. K., Al-Mamun, M. H., & Islam, M. K. (2016). Beneficial effects of barley components connected glucosuria and cardiovascular disease. Journal of Diabetes Research, 2016, 5969653.
  3. Hadith

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Islam Hastag