China had banned Uyghur Muslims from offering Eid prayers even from home

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china had banned uyghur muslims from offering eid prayers moreover from home



China had banned Uyghur Muslims from offering Eid prayers moreover from home

Only group aged 60 and supra were allowed to believe successful nan section mosques connected April 20-21, Radio Free Asia (RFA) reported quoting section constabulary and residents.

china had banned uyghur muslims from offering eid

A section constabulary serviceman told RFA that 1 only 1 mosque was unfastened for Eid prayers successful Bulung town, Bay county, which saw very bladed attendance due to restrictions from nan Chinese government.

The authorities had issued a announcement that group younger than 60 could not believe connected nan Eid holiday, nan serviceman said.

According to nan report, only a twelve of Uyghur elders were coming successful Bulung amidst 3 constabulary officers and respective auxiliary constabulary staffers keeping strict vigil.

image 14China had banned Uyghur Muslims from offering Eid

RFA claimed that nan officers besides wrote down nan Uyghurs’ names who came successful attendance to connection prayers.


“The mosque was open, and we went location to study people,” nan constabulary serviceman said.

A female from a residential area successful Maralbexi County successful Kashgar Prefecture said nary of her neighbours held Eid prayers aliases celebrations.

“The mosque was not open. My hubby is simply a policeman, and he went to activity connected Eid. There was nary Eid dream here. It was quiet,” she told RFA.

According to charismatic estimates, astir 12 cardinal Uyghurs, mostly Muslims, unrecorded successful Xinjiang, which is officially known arsenic nan Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR).

They speak their ain language, which is akin to Turkish, and spot themselves arsenic culturally and ethnically adjacent to Central Asian nations. Muslims dress up little than half of nan Xinjiang population.

China has besides been accused of targeting Muslim belief figures and banning belief practices successful nan region, arsenic good arsenic destroying mosques and tombs.

Uyghur activists opportunity they fearfulness that nan group’s civilization is nether threat of erasure.

Many countries and nan UN person accused China of committing wide genocide successful Xinjiang.

Last year, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that China is committing “genocide and crimes against humanity”.

The UK parliament declared successful April 2021 that China was committing genocide against nan Muslim population.

A UN quality authorities committee successful 2018 said it had reliable reports that China was holding up to a cardinal group successful “counter-extremism centres” successful Xinjiang.

Source: wio news

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