Makkah got the world’s longest calligraphic mural installed on road leading to Great mosque.

Trending 1 year ago



makkah sewage nan world’s longest calligraphic mural


The Municipality of Makkah installed nan longest calligraphic mural successful nan world connected King Abdul Aziz Street, nan roadworthy that leads to nan Grand Mosque.


The world’s longest calligraphic mural has been installed connected nan roadworthy starring to Makkah’s Grand Mosque, successful nan latest beautification of nan beatified city.

The 75-meter mural, designed by creator Amal Felemban, joins a big of sculptures and installations already adorning Makkah successful a task tally by section authorities to boost its ocular entreaty and picture Saudi practice and civilization for pilgrims.

The Municipality of Makkah organizes competitions for coating murals and drafting Arabic calligraphy, which it describes arsenic 1 of nan astir important written and ocular arts which is associated pinch nan Holy Quran.

A squad from Umm Al-Qura University’s Department of Visual Arts is besides participating successful improving nan city’s landscape.

World’s longest calligraphic mural

longest calligraphic mural
longest calligraphic mural
longest calligraphic mural

Ref : Arab news

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