Notable Hanbali Scholars:

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notablehanbali scholars


Notable Hanbali Scholars

The roots of nan Hanbali Madhhab people dishonesty successful Baghdad, nan location of Imam Ahmad, past it dispersed to different lands, but not arsenic overmuch arsenic nan different awesome madhhabs. Ibn Khaldun states astir nan followers of Imam Ahmed that “they are nan astir prolific of group successful respect to preserving nan Sunnah and narration of Hadith.” [Al-Muqaddima, p. 448].


The Hanbali Madhhab has dispersed considerably successful nan modern property arsenic Saudi universities and scholars (amongst others) person done sizeable activity successful editing and publishing important Hanbali useful and school nan Hanbali madhhab. Because of this caller activity of penning astir and school nan Hanbali madhhab, nan coming era tin beryllium considered a play of its revival.

The Hanbali Madhhab besides had a sizeable humanities beingness successful alSham. Majd al-Din al-‘Ulaymi, successful his al-Manhaj al-Ahmad, has provided alist of nan astir celebrated Hanbali scholars of Palestine from nan 6th Century
until nan 9th Century.

notable hanbali scholarsNotable Hanbali Scholars

Also see: Seven Companions/sahaba who narrated nan astir hadith

  1. Abu Dawood (d. 275 A.H.) – Famous compiler of Sunan Abu Dawood
  2. Al-Hasan ibn ‘Ali al-Barbahari (d. 329 A.H.) – An Iraqi traditionist and a jurist, writer of nan book Sharh al-Sunnah.
  3. Al-Khallal (d. 311) – A student of immoderate of nan closest companions and students of Imam Ahmad. He is remembered and honored for collecting nan responses of Imam Ahmad from his students, who
    were scattered crossed nan Muslim world.
  4. Al-Khiraqi (d. 334) – (who summarised Jami’ al-Khallal into a Fiqh manual, nan mother of each Fiqh manuals successful nan Madhab)
  5. Ghulam al-Khallal (d. 363) – A servant and a devout student of al-Khallal, and writer of galore useful successful various sciences. It is reported that, days earlier his death, successful his illness, he said to his companions: I americium pinch you until this Friday. Upon being asked why, he said: al-Khallal informed maine from Abu Bakr al-Marrudhi that Ahmad lived until he was 78 and died connected Friday. Abu Bakr al-Marrudhi lived until he was 78 and died connected Friday. Al-Khallal lived until he was 78 and died connected Friday. On Friday, Ghulam alKhallal breathed his past erstwhile he was 78.
  6. Ibn Battah al-Ukbari (d. 387 A.H.) – An Iraqi theologian and jurisconsult, writer of nan book Al-Ibaanah.
  7. Ibn Hamid (d. 403) – He was a starring authority connected nan Hanbali schoolhouse successful his time, and known for his predominant capacity of Hajj, specified that he died connected his measurement backmost from Makkah. He is regarded to beryllium nan past of nan early people (Tabaqa) of nan Hanbalis.
  8. Al-Qadhi Abu Ya’la (d. 458) – He was calved to a Hanafi family, but became a Hanbali aft studying nether Ibn Hamid. He became nan starring authority connected nan schoolhouse aft Ibn Hamid, who is remembered for spreading nan Madhab acold and wide. His Hadith assemblies were very celebrated and attended by thousands of Traditionists, wherever he would beryllium connected nan chair of ‘Abdullah b. Ahmad b. Hanbal and narrate Hadith.
  1. Abu Isma’il al-Harawi (d. 481) – A celebrated Hanbali jurist and a theologian, known for his awe-inspiring personality, and ardent enmity towards nan Ash’arites. He was 1 of nan awesome Sufi figures successful nan history, who authored Manazil al-Sa’irin – a manual successful Tasawwuf – which was later expounded by Ibn al-Qayyim in
    Madarij al-Salikin.
  2. Abul-Wafa ‘Ali ibn ‘Aqil (d. 488) – One of nan astir intelligent jurists nan Hanbalis ever had wrong their ranks. He was, successful his youth, influenced by nan Mu’tazlites and showed admiration for al-Hallaj (a pantheist who pretended to beryllium a Muslim), but soon repented and wrote various rebuttals against nan Mu’tazlites and nan Ash’arites. Ibn al-Jawzi relates that Ibn ‘Aqil erstwhile said: I opportunity pinch utmost certainty that nan Companions died having nary knowledge of nan atoms (Jawhar) aliases accidents (‘Aradh). Hence, if you consciousness that you should beryllium for illustration them, past be! But, if you deliberation that nan measurement of nan Doctors of Kalam is amended than nan measurement of Abu Bakr and ‘Umar, past really evil is what you think! He near down galore works, amongst them voluminous al-Funun, of which only a mini information is recovered today.
  3. Abu al-Khattab (d. 510) – A devout student of al-Qadhi Abu Ya’la, and writer of galore useful successful nan Madhab, nan astir important of them: al-Intisar authored arsenic a defense to various Hanbali juristic opinions successful comparison to different schools. His students included galore salient Hanbali figures, specified arsenic ‘Abd al-Qadir al-Jailani.
  1. Awn ad-Din ibn Hubayra (d. 560 A.H.)
  2. ‘Abdul-Qadir al-Jailani (d. 561) A Hanbali theologian, awesome preacher and, possibly nan astir influential Sufi fig who founded nan Qadiriyah measurement (Tariqa). Although, his life is regarded arsenic a concatenation of miracles, truthful overmuch has been claimed astir his ‘sainthood’ by his passionate Sufi followers that very small of his biographical accounts tin beryllium verified. The only book 1 tin property to al-Jailani pinch a level of surety is al-Ghunya, successful which he spells retired his strict adherence to nan Hanbali dogma and Law.
  3. Ibn al-Jawzi (d. 597) A celebrated jurist, exegete, critic, preacher and a prolific author, pinch useful connected each subjects. He began his preaching profession astatine a very young property and gained fame amongst nan masses. Although he ne'er met Ibn ‘Aqil, he did person a adjacent magnitude of tutelage from his books, which near him perplexed astir nan orthodox doctrine of nan Hanbali school; arsenic reflected successful his theological opinions that are often contradictory, and astatine times leaning towards allegorical exegesis (ta’wil) conflicting pinch nan mainstream Hanbali position. His useful in
    theology, thereafter, were criticised by nan mainstream theologians of nan Madhab, specified arsenic Ibn Qudama.
  4. Hammad al-Harrani (d. 598A.H.) – A jurist, critic, and preacher who lived successful Alexandria nether nan reign of Salahuddin.
  5. Abd al-Ghani al-Maqdisi (d. 600 A.H.) – A salient sabda maestro from Damascus and nan nephew of Ibn Qudamah.
  6. Ibn Qudama al-Maqdisi (d. 620) One of nan awesome Hanbali authorities and nan writer of nan profound and voluminous book connected Law, al-Mughni, which became celebrated amongst researchersfrom each juristic backgrounds. He was besides an authority connected Hanbali doctrine and a passionate force of nan Ash’arites, but that did not forestall him from joining nan subject run of Salah al-Din al-Ayyubi, who was an Ash’ari, against nan Crusaders successful Palestine.
  1. Diya al-Din al-Maqdisi (d. 643 A.H.)
  2. Majd al-Din Ibn Taymiyah (d. 653) A awesome jurist, traditionist, grammarian and exegete of Harran. He was nan grandfather of nan celebrated Sheikh al-Islam Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyah. The wellknown grammarian and nan writer of Alfiya, Ibn Malik would clasp al-Majd successful precocious regard. He besides enjoyed an esteemed position successful nan Hanbali school, arsenic nan word ‘The Two Sheikhs’ (Sheikhan) would only mention to him and Ibn Qudama.
  3. Taqi al-Din Ibn Taymiyah (d. 728) – A legendary fig successful nan Islamic history, known by his friends and foes for his expertise successful each Islamic sciences. Aside from being a celebrated scholar, he besides gained overmuch prominence owed to his fearlessness, zealous activism, governmental and subject campaigns successful Damascus against nan invading Tatar. Ibn Nasir al-Din al-Dimashqi successful his book al-Radd al-Wafir mentions 87 scholars from each schools who referred to
    Ibn Taymiya arsenic ‘Sheikh al-Islam’, a prestigious title fixed only to jurists and traditionists whose verdicts reached a precocious level of fame and acceptance. His fame besides earned him galore envious enemies who continued to conspire against him, until he was imprisoned successful nan citadel of Damascus and died therein. His ceremonial was attended by a mammoth number of inhabitants of Damascus, while nan ceremonial dream successful absentia was prayed complete him passim nan Islamic world. He is remembered for his invaluable contributions, not only to nan Hanbali schoolhouse of jurisprudence and theology but besides to nan rich | Islamic heritage. He besides produced galore students of precocious caliber. Names specified arsenic Ibn al-Qayyim, al-Dhahabi, and Ibn Kathir are but immoderate of his virtues.
  1. Najm al-Din al-Tufi (d. 716) – The writer of respective important works, specified arsenic nan summarization of Rawdat al-Nadhir by Ibn Qudama, besides known arsenic al-Bulbul, wide taught until today. In spite of being a Hanbali successful Fiqh, he would often mention to himself arsenic an Ash’arite and utmost Shi’ite. He was chastised successful nationalist and imprisoned respective times for his unorthodox views. Although, his repentance is reported; however, Ibn Rajab doubted nan sincerity of his repentance.
  2. Ahmad ibn ‘Abdul-Hadi (d. 744) – A devout and adjacent student of Ibn Taymiyah and an master traditionist. He wrote astatine magnitude nan legendary accounts of his beloved coach Ibn Taymiyah. He is besides nan writer of al-Sarim al-Munki fi al-Radd ‘Ala al-Subki, a convulsive rebuttal of al-Subki’s effort to warrant taking agelong journeys for nan visitation of nan Prophet’s grave. Unfortunately, he died earlier completing this book astatine nan property of forty.
  3. Shams al-Din b. Muflih (d. 763) – One of nan starring authorities successful Hanbali Law who received his tutelage amongst respective salient Hanbali figures, including Ibn Taymiyah. He gave peculiar attraction to nan juristic preferences of Ibn Taymiyah, and included them successful his voluminous and renowned masterpiece connected Hanbali jurisprudence known arsenic al-Furu’.
  1. Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziya (d. 751) – The closest companion and a student of Ibn Taymiyah who shared pinch him nan moments of easiness and hardship, until nan latter’s decease successful nan citadel. His useful successful various Islamic sciences earned him overmuch acceptance and fame. Some of his important useful see Zaad al-Ma’ad successful Seerah and Fiqh, I’lam al-Muwaqqi’in successful Usul al-Fiqh, and al-Kafiyah filIntisar Lil-Firqat al-Najiyah, an ode rhyming successful nan missive Nun connected Hanbali theology, which is taught and studied successful Hanbali schools until today.
  2. Ahmad b. Qadhi al-Jabal (d. 771) – A main judge and a devout student of Ibn Taymiyah. He is regarded to beryllium nan starring Hanbali writer of his time.
  3. Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (d. 795) – A salient jurist, traditionist, ascetic and preacher, who authored respective important works, mostly commenting upon celebrated collections of traditions, specified arsenic al-Tirmidhi, al-Bukhari and nan Forty Hadith of al-Nawawi. His teachers see Ibn al-Qayyim, nether whom he learned his celebrated Hanbali ode al-Kafiyah.
  4. Ala al-Din Al-Mardawi (d. 885) – A main judge and 1 of nan foremost specialists successful nan Madhab amongst nan second Hanbali generations. He is nan writer of al-Insaf, a rich | commentary connected alMuqni’ of Ibn Qudama, wherever he lists nan variance of opinion, past declares nan correct position successful nan school.
  5. Sharaf al-Din Al-Hajjawi (d. 968) A distinguished fig amongst nan second Damascan Hanbali scholars, and nan writer of 2 important manuals that were to stay nan ground for verdicts amongst nan Hanbalis until today: Zad al-Mustaqni’, a summarization of al-Muqni’; and al-Iqna’.
  1. Ibn al-Najjar al-Futuhi (d. 980) – A notable Egyptian Hanbali authority and nan writer of Muntaha al-Iradat, which were to go different wide accepted manual amongst nan second Hanbalis, on pinch al-Iqna’.
  2. Mar’i b. Yusuf al-Karmi (d. 1033) – A Palestinian calved clever clever who resided successful Egypt and wrote extensively connected various sciences. He is peculiarly remembered for making 2 important contributions to Hanbali Fiqh: i) Ghayat al-Muntaha, which came arsenic a merger betwixt nan 2 relied-upon manuals, al-Iqna’ and Muntaha al-Iradat; and ii) Dalil al-Talib, a summarization of Muntaha al-Iradat. This manual received various commentaries, nan astir celebrated of which is Manar al-Sabil, by Ibn Dhuwayan.
  3. Mansur b. Yunus al-Buhuti (d. 1051) An Egyptian jurist of awesome stature, held successful overmuch respect for his invaluable publication to nan Hanbali school. His useful mostly comprise of commentaries connected various manuals, specified arsenic al-Rawdh al-Murbi’, a commentary connected Zad; Kashaf al-Qina’, a commentary connected al-Iqna’; and a commentary connected Muntaha al-Iradat. He became nan halfway of learning for nan Hanbalis from Jerusalem, nan Greater Syria and Najd.
  4. ‘Abd al-Baqi al-Hanbali al-Ba’li (d.1071) – A jurist and a traditionist who received his tutelage from al-Azhar. He assumed nan position of Ifta for nan Hanbalis successful Jerusalem, and dedicated his life to learning and school various sciences.
  5. Ibn al-‘Imad (d. 1089) – A Syrian-Hanbali clever clever and nan writer of a ample biographical history, known arsenic Shadharat al-dhahab fi Akhbar man dhahab, covering nan Hijra years 1 to 1000.
  1. Abu al-Mawahib al-Hanbali (d. 1126) – A Damascan Hanbali traditionist and a starring reciter of nan Quran, who wrote extensively connected various topics. Due to his known piety, he would often beryllium asked to lead nan dream for rainfall (Salat al-Istisqa’), arsenic occurred successful nan twelvemonth 1108 erstwhile Damascus was deed by a drought. Abu al-Mawahib past led nan masses successful prayer, beseeching Allah for rain, and his dream was instantly answered.
  2. Muhammad Al-Saffarini (d. 1188) – A traditionist and jurist and a profound writer connected various issues. He is astir commonly celebrated for his poetic treatise connected Hanbali theology called: al-Durrah alMudhiyah fi ‘Aqd al-Firqat al-Mardhiyah, which mostly falls successful statement pinch nan mainstream Hanbali dogma, barroom fewer instances. However, successful his commentary, known arsenic Lawami’ al-Anwar alBahiyah, he often tends to contradict his poem, successful statement with
    the mainstream Hanbali doctrine. His poem, nevertheless, still remains celebrated amongst Hanbali students. Fatima bint Muhammad al-Hanbaliyah (d. 1247) – A celebrated female clever clever of traditions, Fiqh, an ascetic and a celebrated preacher. She died successful Makkah and was buried successful al-Mu’lla graveyard.
  3. Abdullah Aba Butain (d. 1282) – The Grand Mufti of nan 13th Islamic period Najd, and an undisputable Hanbali authority connected Fiqh, traditions, and theology. He was besides a awesome admirer and defender of Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab.
  4. ‘Uthman b. Bishr al-Najdi (d. 1290) – A Najdi historiographer and a follower of Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab, known for his activity connected history: Unwan al-Majd fi Tarikh Najd.
  5. Muhammad b. Humaid al-Najdi (d. 1295) – A Hanbali jurist, traditionist, historian, and an ardent force of Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab’s followers, successful spite of being a student of Aba Butain and a awesome admirer of Ibn Taymiyah and Ibn al-Qayyim. He is nan writer of al-Suhub al-Wabila ‘ala Dhara’ih al-Hanabilah, which is simply a continuation of Dhail Tabaqat al-Hanabila of Ibn Rajab.
  1. Hamad b. ‘Atiq (d. 1301) – A jurist and a judge successful al-Kharaj, and past al-Aflaj, and an writer of respective useful successful theology and Fiqh.
  2. Ahmad b. ‘Isa al-Najdi (d. 1329) – A jurist, traditionist, theologian, a student of Aba Butain and a passionate follower and a propagandist of Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab’s revivalist movement. He would recreation to Makkah, nan halfway of nan Islamic world, and would often talk theology pinch various scholars of nan Muslim world. He managed to gain awesome respect from nan Sharif of Makkah, who, astatine his encouragement, demolished each nan domedtombs successful al-Mu’alla graveyard. His invaluable contributions see his two-volume commentary connected al-Nuniyah of Ibn alQayyim successful theology.
  3. Abd al-Qadir b. Badran (d. 1346) – A Damascan clever clever successful Fiqh, Usul al-Fiqh, theology, grammar, and a awesome enthusiast for Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab’s movement. He was initially a Shafi’i, and later, aft overmuch investigation and investigation decided to beryllium a Hanbali. His invaluable contributions to nan Madhab include: al-Madkhal ila Madhab al-Imam Ahmad, an all-round preamble to nan Madhab; a commentary connected Ibn al-Qayyim’s al-Nuniyah; a commentary connected a Hanbali manual connected Usul, Rawdhat al-Nadhir by Ibn Qudama, and galore different works.
  4. Abu Bakr Khuqir (d. 1349) – A salient Hanbali clever clever of Makkah, and a student of Ahmad b. ‘Isa. He was an outspoken propagandist of Ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab’s movement, owed to which he was imprisoned on pinch his sons, while nan eldest of them died successful prison. He was yet released upon ‘Abd al-‘Aziz b. Su’ud’s conquest of Makkah, wherever he was, thereafter, appointed arsenic a Mufti for Hanbalis. His contributions chiefly comprised of useful and rebuttals connected theological issues.
  1. Ibrahim al-Duwaiyan (d. 1353) – A jurist, traditionist, genealogist and a judge successful Qasim, astir notably known for his commentary connected Dalil al-Talib, called Manar al-Sabil.
  2. ‘Abd al-Rahman b. Nasir al-Saadi (d. 1376) – A salient jurist, exegete, grammarian pinch a awesome liking successful poetry. He contributed galore useful successful different subjects, nan astir of celebrated of them: Taysir al-Karim al-Mannan successful exegesis; Manhaj al-Salikin a primer successful Fiqh. His students see Muhammad b. Salih al-‘Uthaimin and ‘Abdullah b. ‘Aqil.
  3. Muhammad b. Ibrahim (d. 1389) – The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, and a salient Hanbali jurist. He played a starring domiciled successful nan improvement of immoderate important ineligible and acquisition institutes. His students include: Ibn Baz, Muhammad b. Abd alRahman al-Qasim and ‘Abd Allah b. Jibrin.
  4. Abd al-Rahman b. Qasim (d. 1392) A salient jurist, traditionist and a theologian, who is peculiarly esteemed for nan astir weighted publication to nan Islamic practice successful this age, a 35- measurement Majmu’ al-Fatawa of Ibn Taymiyah. His seven-volume commentary connected al-Rawdh al-Murbi’ has besides go considerably
    popular amongst nan second Hanbalis.
  5. Abd al-‘Aziz b. Baz (d. 1420) – The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia aft his teacher, Muhammad b. Ibrahim, and a starring fig successful nan Islamic Da’wah. He was a Mujtahid successful Hanbali Madhab and was referred to by immoderate arsenic nan starring authority connected orthodox Islam (Imam Ahl al-Sunnah).
  1. Muhammad b. Salih al-Uthaimin (d. 1421) – A starring jurist, grammarian, linguist, and a celebrated preacher. A adjacent and devout student of ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Saadi, and a commentator connected Zad al-Mustaqni’; his commentary is known arsenic al-Sharh al-Mumti’. His students see Ahmad al-Qadhi, Khalid al-Muslih, Khalid al-Mushayqih, and galore others.
  2. ‘Abdullah b. ‘Aqil – A jurist and formerly main justness successful SaudiArabia. One of nan closest students of ‘Abd al-Rahman al-Saadi,who is known coming arsenic Sheikh al-Hanabilah. His adjacent studentsinclude: Dr. al-Shibl, Haitham al-Haddad, and Anas b. ‘Aqil, hisgrandson.
  1. Bakr b. ‘Abd Allah Abu Zaid – A jurist, traditionist, linguistand a profound writer of galore works. His important
    contributions to nan Hanbali Madhab see al-Madkhal alMufassal ila Fiqh al-Imam Ahmad b. Hanbal, a 2 measurement indepth preamble to nan Madhab, which serves coming arsenic 1 of nan main reference activity connected nan school.
  2. Abdullah Ibn Jibreen – A starring clever clever of Saudi Arabia and was a erstwhile personnel of nan Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fataawa successful Saudi Arabia.
  3. Saleh Al-Fawzan – A well-known clever clever successful Saudi Arabia and prolific author. He is presently a personnel of nan Permanent Committee.
  4. Abdul Rahman Al-Sudais – The starring imam and khateeb of nan Grand mosque main of nan presidency of Haramain Committee, Saudi Arabia.
  5. Saud Al-Shuraim – The Imam and khateeb of nan Grand Mosque Mecca and a professor of Islamic rule astatine Umm al-Qura University.

Excerpt taken from: A RoadMap for Studying Fiqh (amazon link)

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